Truvvi Lifestyle

Frequently asked questions

How do I become a member?

Simply go to or and click on “Join us”. Check the different Membership tiers we offer, choose the most suitable one, and sign up to start enjoying the amazing benefits! It is THAT simple and fast, it only takes a couple of minutes!

What is the difference between the memberships you offer?

The difference between our Membership tiers lies in the extent of benefits they offer. The Concierge membership provides “White Glove Service” with a Personal Travel Agent and VIP Concierge Service. The Premier membership goes above and beyond to provide “Peace of Mind” features such as Tele-Med Doctor Access, Private Medi-Jet Service, as well as access to 1,300 VIP Airport Lounges. You can check and compare all these benefits on our website

How can I update my payment method?

To change your payment method, simply log in to My Truvvi via

How does the upgrade payment work?

What Payment Methods do you accept?

We accept all Credit and Debit cards as payment method.